Civil Rights Movement

What is Civil Rights Movement?

Civil Rights Movement took place in United states and it was the conflict between African Americans and Whites about the differences in human character or ability against African Americans. It occurred from 1954 to 1968, especially in Southern States of United States. During Civil Rights it was not just about the struggle. It was also about fundamental issue about freedom, respect, dignity, and economic and social equality. During this period African Americans (Blacks) suffered a lot from a terrible situation.Many of people who were active during Civil Rights Movement, with organization such as NAACP,SNCC, CORE, and SCLE says the term as "Southern Freedom Movements."

Civil Rights Movement March
Segregation in School (During Civil Rights Movement, Blacks had their own school with only black kids, and whites had their own school with white kids.)

Montgomery Bus Boycott

Many miserable events occurred during Civil Right Movement.   "Montgomery Bus Boycott" was one of the famous event that occurred during Civil Rights movement. It occurred in Montgomery, Alabama and started in December 1, 1955 and ended in 1956. This location is where most important events happened in American History During Civil Right Movement. Montgomery had a public bus system that was ruled by Montgomery city bus lines. There was rule in Montgomery Bus system, that front of the bus was for the whites and back of the bus was for blacks. If the bus was crowed especially with whites, then blacks had to give their seat to white. Another rule was that after black passenger entered at the front to pay their fare, they had to step off the bus and had to get through the back door of the bus. Often the diver would pull away the black passengers that had paid their fares, and leaving them Stranded.

Because of too much pressure on bus system, Blacks stopped riding the Bus in Montgomery
Inside the Bus during Montgomery Bus Boycott